European-American Life

Sunday, June 8, 2014


By Tom Kando
It is very difficult to get published or to even get an agent to glance at your work. Furthermore, it is not clear that what gets published and read is better than what gets turned down or ignored. This is enough to make one cry. 

So I propose a support group for failed authors called Failed Authors, Rejected and Turned Down (FART).Let's create a blog, a web site, a national network. Local support groups (chapters) will meet regularly. The potential membership is huge, because everyone is now trying to write books, especially autobiographies.We will meet every week and commiserate. We will model ourselves after AA and Alanon.We get on the wagon, i.e. we quit wasting our resources and ruining our health trying to peddle our writing to agents and to publishers. We are addicts, just like gamblers and alcoholics.

A typical confessional at one such meeting might go like this: "I have been on the wagon for three months. I talk to my spouse and to my children again. I exercise again and I return my friends' e-mails and telephone calls.Or conversely, "I thought I had kicked my addiction to sending out queries. However, I fell off the wagon last week: I Sent out another query letter to an agent I found in the Writers’ Market." 

© Tom Kando 2014
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